Collect plus does not rely on 24-hour delivery vans or the luck of a customer being home when the driver knocks. collectplus的业务运转并不依靠每日24小时奔波的快递车,也不依靠司机送货上门时顾客刚好在家的运气。
Cash on delivery, collect on delivery Upon presentation of the bill of lading, the buyer cannot get the goods after he has paid according to the contract. 一手交钱,一手交货(货到付款)买方按照合同规定支付了货款,递交提单时却收不到货。
The air transport company will collect payment on your behalf from the consigner, against delivery. 航空运输公司可以代你在交货时,向收货人收取货款。
International 3PL providers have added financial services into their supply chain management solutions, including Collect on Delivery, Trade Financing, Mortgage Loan, Inventory Financing, Factoring etc. 大型跨国第三方物流企业在物流服务中增加了金融增值服务,包括货到付款、代收代付、全球贸易融资、抵押贷款、存货与应收账款融资等。